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Mister Free Energy
15 avril 2006

Les cellules d' Energie de Joe, pompe d'energie du vide


Je vous presente Les Cellules de Joe.

Un nom qui parait bien drole, mais qui va surement representer une revolution dans un proche avenir, en terme de production libre d'energie.
Cette cellule permettrait d'extraire de l'energie du vide en utilisant de l'eau toute bete comme catalyseur, cette eau produit un gaz 'special' qui est fortement 'ionise'. Transmis dans un moteur a explosion classique, ce gaz 'imploserait'...oui vous notez bien, et produirait entre autre du froid !!! et une absence de 'dechets' dans l'atmosphere et bien sur, c'est le but principal, entrainerait le piston du moteur.
La physique des processus mise en jeu n'est pas expliquee par la science actuelle, mais cela marcherait!

Affaire a suivre, bien entendu !


Le Scientifique Kanarev, Russia, donne une explication scientifique credible dans la production 'a faible cout energetique' d'hydrogene dans un systeme basse tension, faible courant sur une structure style Joe's Cell, tres eloigne des effets mystiques que l'on peut rencontrer dans la litterature.

A suivre de tres pres



Ph. M. Kanarev


  An interest to hydrogen energetic is being increased of late years. It is explained by the fact that hydrogen is an inexhaustible and environmental-friendly energy carrier. But the implementation of these properties is slowed down by large energy consumption for its production from water. The most modern Electrolyzers consume 4.0 kWh per cubic meter of this gas. Electrolysis process takes place by voltage of 1.6-2.0 V and current strength of dozens and hundreds of amperes. When one cubic meter of hydrogen is burnt, 3.55 kWh of energy is released [1].

 Many laboratories in the world are busy solving a problem of a reduction of energy consumption for hydrogen production from water, but there are no significant results. In the meantime, a money-saving process of decomposition of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen exists in the nature. This process takes place during photosynthesis. Hydrogen atoms are separated from water molecules and are used as connecting links while forming organic molecules, and oxygen is released into the air.

 A question emerges: is it possible to model an electrolytical process of water decomposition into hydrogen and oxygen, which takes place during photosynthesis? A search of a reply to this question has resulted in a simple structure of a cell (Fig. 1), in which the process takes place by voltage of 1.5-2.0 V between the anode and the cathode and amperage of 0.02 amperes [1], [2].







Fig. 1. Model   of a low current cell of the electrolyzer (at the stage of patenting)



 The electrodes of the cell are made of steel. It helps to avoid the phenomena, which are appropriate to a galvanic cell. Nevertheless, at the cell electrodes a potential difference of nearly 0.1 V takes place in complete default of electrolytic solution in it. When the solution is charged, the potential difference is increased. The positive sign of the charge appears on the upper electrode always, and the negative sign appears on the lower one. If a direct current source generates pulses, gas output is increased.

Suite de l'article

Site de l'auteur



Mai 2006, Forum en francais sur les Cellules de Joe

Mai 2006, les Moteurs a energie libre

Mai 2006, Dr Kanarev, Russia, donne une explication scientifique credible de la production 'efficace' de l'hydrogene dans des structures style Joe's Cell, eloigne des effets mystiques que l'on peut rencontrer dans la litterature.

16 april 2006, Joe Cell Stretches the Believability Envelope with Working Replications : Explanation of the highly unusual technology and some of the astonishing claims surrounding it.  This fuelless technology could make gasoline and diesel obsolete, while not requiring a change of the engine infrastructure now in existence.

Video Moteur equipe des cellules d'ernergie de Joe

Presentation Cellule d'Energie de Joe

A manier avec precaution

Encyclopedie Wikipedia

Fuel Cells, tres riche et news continues

Frontal des technlogies en energie libre

Yahoo forum

Design your Joe's Cell

Frontal Joe's Cell (news, videos, articles)

Video Instructions

Les proprietes et anomalies de l'eau (conference audio de la physique de l'eau)  Mesure du PH de l'eau / Proprietes physique de l'eau pure


What is the Joe Cell?

An Australian man, named Joe,  has designed a remarkable water Energy Cell that only utilizes water for a "fuel" and develops substantially more power than gasoline and can be used  with almost any engine that normally runs on petrol.

After an Energy Cell is installed and functioning properly, the gasoline fuel lines can be completely disconnected.

An engine that operates on Joe's Energy Cell produces no exhaust by-products and no heat. Without any exhaust by-products, you eliminate the need for pollution control devices. Since the engine runs cold, there is no need for a cooling system per se, however, the water in the water jacket surrounding the cylinders may be playing a pivotal role in allowing this phenomena to take place.


Surprisingly, the Energy Cell does not deplete its water while in operation. The water is acting in the role of a catalyst in the transference of a special form of energy (orgone) from the surrounding atmosphere into the engine and the water itself is not consumed in the process.

From all outward appearances, an engine operating with this cell seems to be functioning on the Implosion principle, a phenomena explored in the writings and patents of inventors Viktor Schauberger, John Keeley, and others.

 The following characteristics have been observed with the phenomena of Implosion:

1. The energy is manifested as a suction force, not an explosion force.
2. In the presence of implosion, the ambient temperature declines, rather than expands, to what is called the Point of Anomaly. For water, the Point of Anomaly is 4 degrees Celsius.
3. There is an absence of resistance and friction.
4. Given adequate velocity of the catalyst medium (Water or Air), gravity is canceled and the engine or implosive energy producing device will levitate.
5. The power plant can produce enough energy to sustain itself and can operate continuously.   .
6. There are no exhaust by-products.
7. Diamagnetic materials are required for implosion. Diamagnetic materials exhibit properties that
    are opposite that of magnetic materials. For example, a magnetic material will align in parallel to the magnetic lines of force from a magnetic field, while a diamagnetic metal (E.g. copper) will align at right angles to the magnetic lines of force.
The Joe Energy Cell incorporates common materials that are easily obtained.

They include stainless steel, rubber, and water (see Materials). Practically anyone, who is careful and pays very close attention to construction and 'alignment' details, can build this cell

Joe, the inventor, has not attempted to financially capitalize on his astounding discovery, but rather had decided to freely give away the information on how to construct his incredible Energy Cell for public benefit. In response to this monumental, magnanimous and altruistic gift, Joe has been the victim of threats and harassment to pressure him into stop talking. The intimidation has succeeded and today Joe no longer demonstrates or talks about his Energy Cell. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out who is behind the harassment.

This cell does not operate according to the conventional rules of physics. It's necessary to approach this material with an open mind and to be prepared to entertain novel ideas that often run contrary to conventional scientific thought. Essentially, Joe had discovered a unique and simple way to capture Orgone energy. The Joe Energy Cell is NOT a hydrogen fuel cell. It's an Orgone Energy Accumulator in which water is acting as the medium which captures the orgone and allows it to be transduced into the engine.

Is it a Water Fuel Cell?
No. This design does not attempt to "crack" the water molecule with high voltage or by any other means. Water is not consumed in the Joe Energy Cell as it is with a Water Fuel Cell.

Is it a Hydrogen Fuel Cell?
No. This was my initial thinking when I first heard about Joe's cell, but Joe's Energy Cell taps into a much greater energy source. It's called Orgone energy, a term coined by Wilhelm Reich. Joe's Cell, however, can produce hydrogen gas and could be used as a hydrogen fuel cell if certain "alignments" are made. The Orgone energy is pulled out of the surrounding atmospheric fluroplasmic environment or Ether. Orthodox scientists have been strenuously denying the existence of the ether (also spelled  aether, or aeither) for the better part of the 20th century. Important 19th and early 20th century scientists including Nikola Tesla, Lord Kelvin, James Clerk Maxwell, and Baron Carl Von Reichenbach all adhered to a firm belief in the existence of the ether, but were shouted down by supporters of Einstein's theories after the turn of the century. It's not a coincidence that the debunking of the ether theory was being promoted at the same time that the John D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan energy empires were rising in the opening decades of this century.

Three Gases
Joe's cell is capable of producing three different types of "gas", depending on the "alignment" (Joe's term) of the cell. Joe can change the cell's alignment in a number of  ways. Some alignment changes include: 1) reversing the polarity of the battery's connections; 2) changing the location of the battery connections to different plates; 3) raising or lowering the plate assembly within the charging vat, or 4) using different sources of water. Other possibilities exist as well.

In the videos, Joe activates the Energy Cell by applying 12 DC voltage from a car battery. Bubbles quickly begin to come off the Energy Cell's plates within 30 seconds. A Brown Scum or sludge begins to form on the top of the water to which some of the bubbles adhere and coalesce into larger bubbles. Joe then demonstrates the explosive effect of the gas produced by lighting a match to the bubbles adhering to the brown scum floating on top of the water cell.  Each different type of gas produced demonstrates a different reaction when ignited with a match. A description of the gases follows:


1. Hydrogen gas comes off the cell as very small bubbles and will produce a yellow flame when lit by a match. Igniting the hydrogen bubbles with a match will produce a moderate crack or snap, similar to the sound of a cap gun.


2. After adjusting the alignment, Joe produces a second type of gas (name unknown. Some have speculated that it's Brown's Gas, but I'm not sure).


Holding a match to this gas will produce a  louder report (sound); a sharp crack,  but without the yellow flame or ringing in the ears.


3. The third type of gas (again, name unknown) produces the largest energetic discharge of all. When Joe puts a match to this gas, he get a much louder report with heavy ringing in the ears.
This third type of gas is the gas that Joe uses to power the car's engine. Here we have a 'gas' that has somehow captured a significant amount of Orgone Energy which is expendable within the confines of the engine.


An unconventional property of the second and third type of gas is that when detonated by a match, the resulting discharge of energy causes the eardrums to push outwards, away from the body. This means that the gas is imploding and not exploding (which would have forced the eardrums inward). This is an important and significant point to consider. In conventional physics, we are accustomed to thinking in terms of energy release as an explosion, an outward expansion of energy and heat into space (an exothermic reaction). Here we have an implosion (an endothermic reaction) in which there is a rapid condensation of energy which lowers the ambient temperature. This is precisely what Viktor Shauberger, the Austrian forester, inventor, and Nature observer discovered when he spiraled water into a whirlpool like vortex. The temperature of the water would decrease.

Barry Hilton speculates in his book that the third type of gas is possibly a unique form of hydrogen, heavily laden with expendable orgone energy, that is able to pass through and saturate the atoms of the engine's metal. Alex Schiffer feels that the orgone from the Joe cell is transferred to the intake manifold by the cell , but is picked up or absorbed by the air rushing in through from the carburetor and carried into the cylinders. Alex also speculates that the water in the water jacket (of  the engine) surrounding the cylinders plays a significant part in picking up the orgone energy

It's pure speculation, of course, but both Barry's and Alex's ideas do fit the observable facts. For example, engines made completely of aluminum will adapt to the Joe cell within a couple of hours, while an all cast iron engine can take a week or more to acclimate to the cell. Since aluminum is lighter and more "porous", the orgone/hydrogen 'gas' is probably penetrating and saturating this metal more quickly than the denser cast iron. As to Alex's water jacket idea, water is one of the four ancient 'elements' to which the ether is bound (water, air, earth, and fire), so his proposition seems logical as well.

Another observable fact also lends support to the above theory. The outlet from the Car Cell is connected to a blind fitting or blank plug on the carburetor housing. This means that there is no opening through this fitting into the interior of the carburetor or the interior of the intake manifold. Yes, you are reading that statement correctly. There is NO physical opening between the output of the Energy Cell and the interior of the engine. Yet the cell works! Logic dictates that the gas must be passing THROUGH the metal of the carb housing to reach the interior of the engine. Since hydrogen is the lightest element of all (with only one proton), it doesn't seem too far fetched to assume that this might be occurring. Wilhelm Reich also noted that orgone is not hindered by metal barriers, but is first attracted to and then repelled by metal surfaces.

   (Copyright 1998-2005 Educate-Yourself and Ken Adachi. All rights reserved)   By Ken Adachi


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